NHS - The Making Of Us (Appreciation Film)

Introducing a film created by many, purely to spread a message of positivity and hope. Proof that even apart, we’re in this together.

Creative Team Stu Woodall & Neil Matthews, Produced by Ramon Ricard, Directed by Ed Salkeld, Voice Over Andy Serkis, Lead Editor Michelle Dimopoulos, Music Composer Tony Crumpton, Audio Mix by Guy Chase, Colourist Sarina McCavana, additional editing by Clare Hannan & Phil Ashley and Graphic Design by Steve Qua. The film was shot by Amy Engles, Ben Coverdale, Dan Heginbotham, Francesca Tesler, Georgina Crumpton, James Turner, Katie Nicholls, Leonie Marzecki, Luke Graham, Michael Spencer, Mike Facey, Paul Chambers, Patrick Kerrigan-Hall, Rachel Meyrick, Sarah Bowden and Ste Hinde.